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Specialist exercise instructor Graham Kavanagh running a group fitness session.

There is largely a lack of understanding across the population around fitness qualifications. Who is actually qualified and who isn’t and what the limitations are. It is hugely important to not only hire a properly qualified coach but also a fully insured coach. To be properly qualified there is a set and recognised process to be followed.

At Graham Fit Personal Training, I hold two level four qualifications. A level four qualification is the highest vocational qualification in the UK, and equivalent to a foundation degree. A level four is also expertise in a specialist area. So… what about other fitness qualifications? The starting point is a gym instructor level which is level two. In the old days (as I did) an individual had to qualify first as a gym instructor before being allowed to progress onto the next qualification to become a personal trainer. A personal trainer is level three and allows an individual to work with generally fit and healthy adults up to an age of fifty five. (These days sometimes these two qualifications are combined on the same course which can raise doubts as to the thoroughness of the qualification).

So what is the difference between a gym instructor and a personal trainer?

A gym instructor operates in an actual gym on standard gym equipment such as weights and cardio equipment. This is the basic level of instruction in health and fitness. A personal trainer however, studies in more depth and also includes more in depth nutrition to be fully qualified. A personal trainer has the instructional ability to operate outside of a gym environment with an array of equipment, depending on what path they choose, though some PT’s choose to remain in a gym setting.

From this point if a personal trainer wishes to progress there are many options such as other level three courses or even a level four.

Exercise referral (level three) is the next step for some (as I did), which is all about instructing exercise for health conditions. This allows a coach to teach for up to fifteen health conditions such as… hypertension, asthma, COPD, depression and simple low back pain to name a few. This allows instruction to be provided without a restriction on upper age limits as a health condition does not recognise age. Exercise referral (GP referral) is a population based qualification which means larger groups can be taught well above a gym instructor or PT level.

Exercise referral instructors often run local authority funded exercise schemes… for individuals who have been referred onto the scheme by their doctor.

To further progress into areas of health at level four requires a pre-requisite of a prior qualification such as Exercise Referral. Depending on the career pathway chosen at level four a prior fitness qualification such as PT is required.

A level four qualification means the coach has official specialisms and is a specialist exercise instructor. However with all of this being said, there are official and recognised pathways to gain qualifications that sadly is not always the case today when many look for shortcuts. Today there are many sources of unrecognised qualifications and a whole host of issues that causes serious problems. Not to mention insurance implications.

If anyone is contemplating embarking on a fitness qualification, it is essential to check out a reputable training provider. This could be at a college or a private organisation as an example. Official fitness qualifications are regulated by OFQUAL (have an accreditation number that is checkable with the awarding authority) and therefore recognised by the government. This is what maintains the required standard and keeps the industry clean.

Once qualified, all instructors should be fully insured by a reputable insurer. Advice on this can be provided by your training provider if you are unsure. There are dedicated insurers in this sector who provide fully comprehensive insurance. This also demonstrates the importance of being qualified properly, and acting within the remit of a qualification to be properly insured.

Any questions on my services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!