The application of breathing techniques for health conditions, and cooling down.....

Appropriate intervention for health conditions..... but what is appropriate exercise?

Shedding the light on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease..... and exercise

Cleanses and detoxes..... what drink is best?

Exercising for improving asthma.....

Low back pain and spinal mobilisation.....

Will any type of exercise improve my low back pain?

Want to kickstart a healthier you this summer? Here are my 3 top tips!

"Making a start with obesity..... what is the best way?"

"My knees hurt so can't run. Running is bad for my knees"

Inter-personal skills for events staff

Medication implications and exercising with health conditions.....

The desk career and low back pain

How long does low back pain take to improve?

How does exercise improve low back pain?

Improving back pain with lifestyle strategies.....

New to weight training? Where should you start? How should you train?

BMI and 10,000 steps a day may not be as accurate or optimal as you think.....

THREE things to stop doing with low back pain.....

Mobilising the shoulders.....